by Brendon Groenewald | Oct 18, 2011 | Internet Marketing
A few years ago, by just having a website was enough for a internet marketing strategy. A simple copy and paste website with basic information regarding your business and a contact form was the norm. Those days by just having a plain old boring website was enough to...
by Brendon Groenewald | Nov 29, 2010 | Internet Marketing, Twitter
Twitter is one of the new wonders of the modern world, acting as a social site where family, friends, colleagues and also celebrities can follow each other on. In the corporate environment it is great to interact with your possible and existing clients. Coming with...
by Brendon Groenewald | Nov 18, 2010 | Email Marketing, Internet Marketing, Internet Marketing in Bloemfontein, Online Business, Web Solutions
The benefit of setting up an Internet business is that you can market to the masses and control many different aspects of your marketing that you can’t offline. But most business owners are unaware of the secondary benefit, which is the ability to automate many...
by Brendon Groenewald | Nov 1, 2010 | Internet Marketing, Social Media
One of the advantages of using Google as a search engine is that you can see it in real-time, in other words, the most recent blog articles, news and social media that is related to your search will show up in the results page. Now you ask yourself, now that Google...
by Brendon Groenewald | Aug 10, 2010 | Internet Marketing, Online Business
WSI LEWENSIKLUS Die Internet Oplossing Lewensiklus is ‘n sesfase ontwikkelingsplan wat duisende suksesvolle Internet Oplossings voortgebring het vir besighede van alle grotes wereldwyd. INTERNET BESIGHEIDS ANALISE Die eerste fase van die Internet Besigheids Lewesiklus...