Off page SEO factors to implement with your campaign

To get good rankings on Google and generate targeted traffic to your website, you have to implement various on and off page search engine optimisation (SEO) strategies to get the best results. In order to get the best results with SEO, you should always focus on both...
Targeting the best keywords for SEO

Targeting the best keywords for SEO

If you are busy with a search engine optimisation (SEO) campaign, the first step is to always do some keyword research where you can select the best keywords to use in your campaign. These are not just any keywords related to your services or products, but keywords...
How blogging could harm your SEO rankings

How blogging could harm your SEO rankings

Did you know that you can increase your SEO (search engine optimisation) organic rankings by integrating a blog on your website? This is a tried and trusted method of publishing new blog posts that are targeting specific pages on your website. This might sound easy...