Even though I have been told by many marketers using social media that it is a wonderful tool, there are still some marketers who do not use it in their everyday liaison with clients.  It is really a pity as social media is an absolute must in today’s technology.

I did an experiment and implemented some tips from the social media people in the know and through it I actually placed my website under the top ten Google rankings.

If you want to know how to do this with your “unknown” website, just follow these easy steps:

My website had some traffic on it, but I needed to spread my website content to more clients.  I needed to get my brand out there and wanted to improve on my readers. So, firstly, you need to believe in your product and know that it is capable of reaching new heights through the use of social media.

I then searched key words related to my site that would be easier to find on Google.  You must be careful that you only use keywords that relate to your cause as you do not need people that are not interested finding your website.  They will not visit it and you will be wasting your time.  Have a look on Google what keywords relating to you are being used – you can always use other keywords that narrow it down to more of what you are about.

Then I did some market research to find out what people are looking for in my line of business.  I could thereby find specific keywords that would make an impact on the search value of my exact brand in the big world out there.

I then created multiple forms of content.  When a person searched for a keyword in my field, all the relevant content including a audio video presentation came up for them to explore.  Video helped a lot as visual marketing is one of the most powerful forms on the market.

You can entice them with a short video and a short write up about what is is you do – but remember to keep it interesting.  The video does not have to be longer than about 2 minutes. This will give you plenty of time to tell them more about your company and product and be sure to refer to the short write up that you have attached. A very important note is that you make sure all your introductory information, whether it be in writing or on video related directly to your product.  Keep the main focus on who and what you are.

What I did next is to copy the exact same page to many social media sites.  This will not only get you more exposure but by keeping the information the same across all sites will make sure that you start getting the same brand out there – a brand that people will get to be familiar with.

The video and write up was added onto many social media sites and the readers were referred back to my website.  It is important here to post your content on a site that is very popular. The readers will then know that your content is from a reliable source as the larger sites are more trusted. By them referring readers it means that they themselves trust the “new guy”.

Then I shared my content through social bookmarking sites.  I posted my information to a blog and shared the article links in a forum.  As people love freebies, they would definitely love the free information and material I had posted on my blog. If the information that you shared is found valuable to readers, they will also bookmark it on social sites and thereby create something we call viral traffic.

As the main focus was to increase traffic although the website was up and running, I have now a gem of a site with social bookmarks, blog, video and write ups linking all readers back to my original website which will no doubt increase the traffic and make my business blossom!

Although this is good news for me, it is not the only reason why I wanted to do it.  Because I am making use of trustworthy authority sites, the search engines can see that I am providing valuable content and thereby have boosted the placement of my listing from off the page to between the top 10!  The idea is to “flood” the top five pages on Google with your material and video and linking all of it to your main website.  Oh, the joy!

So you can see that it can be done.  Go ahead and upgrade your position on Google today.  Happy marketing!