Your Search Engine Optimization strategy should always be properly planned to help your business goals.  Before you create your SEO strategy, you will clearly need to identify your goals, keywords and key phrases, look at your competition’s strategies, and the state of your website. Once you have done this, you can then create and plan your SEO  strategy and how you are going to measure your progress.

Find a couple of tips below to help you with creating your SEO strategy.

SEO strategy tips

Goals: Decide what your business needs are and how you can achieve them.  Is it only search engine rankings you are after? Is it more sales or to build up your network? Search engine optimization will attract traffic, but you need this traffic to be targeted because then the traffic is more likely interested on what you offer.  Identify what is the most important for your business.

Keywords: Research and identify which keywords and keyword phrases attracts the visitors that you are after.  Choosing the right keywords is part of SEO science. You need to understand the psychology of how and when people search. People are searching the internet because they are looking for answers and solutions.

Competition: Take the most important keyword or keyphrase you have chosen and do a search on Google.  Look who’s on the top 10 results as these will most likely be your competitors. Analyze those sites by looking at the domain age, number of pages that are indexed and the number of backlinks for those websites.  It will also be good if you can find out what their SEO strategies are.

SEO analysis: Have a look at your own site.  How does it compare to your competition’s websites for the same factors? Is your content focused on what your potential prospects are looking for? Once you have generated traffic to your site there should always be a clear and focused call to action on what you want your visitors to do on your website. Does your website have a clear and professional image of your business?  These are small things but they can make a world of difference.

Strategy: Create your Search Engine Optimization plan for both conversions and SEO once your visitors arrive on your website.  Create an optimized keyword plan that identifies your primary and secondary keyword phrases for every page on your website.  Develop an off page SEO plan that will include link building strategies and on page factors such as content growth.

Measure: How are you going to measure your strategy? Use popular analytics software to track your results such as Google Analytics and record your starting metrics as well as your end goals that you want to achieve. When you first start out, measure your progress weekly, and then later on monthly.  Never be afraid to change your SEO strategy if you are not reaching your desired goals.

Having an optimized SEO strategy is the same as planning your business growth.  This strategy will help ensure you reach your internet marketing objectives.