Website packages

Do you need a website that is functional, professionally designed, user friendly, appealing to your target audience, integrated with social media and search engine optimised?

Our website packages is designed to make sure you get the most out of your website. Here’s a list of our current website development and website design packages.

If you require more custom development or a solution to specifically fit your needs, contact us.

Our packages

Choose anyone of our popular 3 website options below.

Personal brand website

Your name is a brand and you should treat it as one online. With our personal brand website option you can can have your own personal website to establish your authority, advance your career, impress employers and protect your reputation.

Business website

Your website is your business image online. It’s who you are and what you represent. It can also be a lead generating machine to help you reach your business goals and objectives. Stand out from the crowd and get a professional website.

E-Commerce website

Do you want your own online store to sell services or products? Want to earn money with your website even when you are not looking or when you are on holiday? Get your E-Commerce website up and running with our simple solution the easy way.

What our customers are saying

Need help with your decision?

Want to make it a pleasure doing business with you online? Looking for a solution that will last a lasting impression with your customers? By choosing ABC of Internet Marketing you have just automatically said yes to those questions.

Craig Bogett

New Direction Logistics

Bottom line. If you are looking for a website that will impress your target audience and guide them to take an action naturally through your sales funnel, ABC of Internet Marketing has the best option for your needs. Professional and trustworthy.

Francine Nel

CEO, Angel Croft

Remarkable and trustworthy service. ABC of Internet Marketing have proved themselves pioneers in the digital space since our first meeting. I recommend any business looking to build authority online to make use of their services.

John Schwella

MD, Eversoft Solutions

Order your website package!

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