2013 The year blogging will work for you

2013 The year blogging will work for you

Blogging is a great way that you can use within your business to build trust, credibility, and ultimately increase sales and leads for your business. Social media marketing is all the buzz these days online and everywhere online you will find blog posts and articles...
Quick blog post on social media ROI

Quick blog post on social media ROI

Social media is an instrument on communication that facilitates human behavior online. It’s very social and the social web consists of a multitude of communication tools that you can use to communicate with your target audience online. If you...
Publish and share content for the search engines

Publish and share content for the search engines

Back in the day (6 years ago) it was OK to have a simple brochure website that consists of 5 or less pages. Google’s algorithm changed dramatically over the last couple of years and they have shifted their focus to dynamic websites that publishes fresh and...
Low quality content and Google penalties

Low quality content and Google penalties

Google has been quite busy over the last couple of years removing all the low quality content and spam related results from their index. With this said there is no question just to focus on SEO. You have to focus on quality SEO because there is now a very thin line...