Search engine optimization (SEO)isn’t complicated or hard. There’s a simple process you can follow to make sure you get results from your efforts. This process uses the most common and important SEO principles. This process assumes you have already done keyword research and you know which keywords you are going to target.
SEO is really not a one time process that you can do and be done with it. It takes a lot of time and dedication to get the best results. Google changes their algorithm on a yearly basis and each time they release a major update, you have to change and modify your SEO strategy to make sure you don’t fall into the dreaded “sandbox” of Google where it can take months to recover.
Find a couple of tips below that can act as a guide with your SEO strategy.
SEO process tips
Title: This is one of the most important elements of SEO. Use your main keyword phrase in the beginning of your page title and follow with secondary ones. Make sure that your titles are unique and doesn’t exceed 60-80 characters.
Headings: Split the headings on your website pages to use H1 to H6 tags. Use H1 for the most important heading such as the page header. Only use one H1 in your website pages and use your main keyword phrase in your headings.
Content: Content is king. Use your targeted keyword phrases in the content of your website pages. Try to keep a ratio of using your main keyword phrase once for every 100 words. I know this isn’t always possible, but it’s also important that you content is readable because at the end of the day, it’s not the search engines that will bring you any conversions – it’s your target audience.
Also, don’t just create content for your website pages and be done with it. Create a long term content strategy where you can regularly publish valuable content that your target audience will find interesting. This could be in the form of adding new website pages, articles, and even blog posts.
Interlinking: If you have pages that are relevant to each other such as blog posts describing a service or product you have, link to that page by using the specific keywords in the hyperlink. This will help you structure and reinforce the content you are linking to, to be around a specific topic.
Link building: This is still the driving force of SEO. Not just any links, but natural organic links. The easiest way to obtain these links is when you are publishing high quality content on a regular basis. If others want to reference you in their own website, blog, or article, they are going to link back to you. Only use content that your target audience will want to share and link to.
Measurement: Google Analytics and SEO goes hand in hand. Always measure what you are doing and find areas of improvement. Set yourself some target points and measure your success. If you want to succeed with SEO, Google Analytics is not an option. It’s a must have.