Are you someone who believes that you don’t need a website for your business? If you are, ask yourself how much your business has grown and expanded lately? Most of the business that is taking place today is at least beginning online.
One of the most common myths out there is the one that tells you that if you’re just a local business, doing business locally that you don’t need a website to assist you. Nothing could be further from the truth. Every business requires a website today to conduct their business. People are seeking out local services and global services online. In fact, many of them are in their car, on the way to make a purchase when they are seeking out local businesses to use for that product or service.
Statistics in marketing today tell us that about 75% of the new business awarded to local companies is researched and arranged online. It’s just common sense that if they can’t find you online, they are going to find your competition and when they do, they are going to use your competition to do business.
While local companies do need to take some extra steps to ensure that they are visible to the local community, believing that you don’t need a website in order to engage in local business is short sighted and it’s short suiting your company.
Using online advertising is one of the most cost effective ways to get your business seen today. Whether local or global, the online advertising that you use is low cost and in many cases, even free of charge. If you’re spending money today for advertising, make sure that it’s working for you. The online arena is the most prolific today so far as making money. Getting the word out about your company means that you need to be visible both online and in the physical world. If you don’t have a website, now is the perfect time to get that accomplished.