As a internet marketer, you want your website visitors to engage with your website in a certain way. This might be contacting you directly, buying a product, joining a mailing list or just requesting more information. Website designers will want to have a eye catching and creative website design to show off their design talent.
Ecommerce sales is all about building credibility and trust by shifting the visual appearance and emphasis on the products that you sell online. A credible and professional design on your ecommerce site that is boring will clearly outsell a creative, showy design. Think of your ecommerce website as the holder or frame of the content and the canvas are the products that you sell.
Here’s a couple of tips to enhance your ecommerce website and to help with your internet marketing strategy.
Ecommerce website design tips
First impression: The design of your ecommerce store should be professional and use subdued colors. Try to avoid oppressive and strong colors. Design the website with a minimum number of web fonts. Your ecommerce design should display trust and confidence.
Banners: Never try to overuse rotating banners. Visitors will usually only notice the first image in the sequence of a rotating banner and then move on to the search to what they need. Don’t use Flash for your rotating banners because if someone views your ecommerce store from an iPad or iPhone, it won’t display.
Width: 1024 width is the narrowest you should design the website on. Most of your visitors will likely have wider displays, but narrow designs usually means more scrolling down to see your content. Various studies into this have shown that only a short percentage will scroll down to the bottom of a long page.
Navigation: Avoid having long lists of categories in your sidebar navigation. Your visitors will not easily track more than a couple of your categories. If you have many categories, reorganize them into higher level categories. Reduce the overall number of options a your visitors have to choose from.
Ecommerce website design is about prioritizing all the visual elements so that your visitors will quickly react on what you offer.